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BOH Minutes March 16, 2011
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Jan Buhrman, Mike Renahan

Absent: Katie Carroll

Also Present:  Marina Lent, Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying), Phillip and Frances Demers (18-90.1)

Minutes of March 2, 2011 adopted.

Demers, 17 Hawk Valley Road, (18-90.1)  Phil Demers addressed the Board regarding the Board’s requirement for a new, Title 5-compliant, 1.5K gallon septic tank to be installed in addition to replacement of the failed leaching system.

Mike Renahan explained that the Board frequently requires upgrading to full Title 5 compliance, but is not required to do so by law.  He indicated a preference for reaching compliance, and asked Mr. Demers to describe problems experienced with the system, as the Board is not in possession of recent pumpout records which would indicate failure.  Mr. Demers explained that he himself had inspected and diagnosed failure of the existing leach pit, and had treated with chemicals, which had temporarily worked to free up the system. He confirmed that the family has no intention of selling the property at this time.

Following discussion, Board members indicated that they were willing to accept keeping the 1K gallon tank, but recommended upgrade to Title 5 compliance.  The BOH office will be contacted and a new plan issued, showing a 1.5 K gallon tank, should the Demers decide to undertake a full upgrade.

Chilmark Community Center Public Water System:  Marina Lent reported on efforts to address the repeated total coliform readings at the Chilmark Community Center.  Fortunately, the Library, and hence the well itself, appear to be unaffected, indicating that the problem resides in the plumbing or distribution system of the Community Center.  The Board approved an interim Action Plan to send to the Department of Environmental Protection, calling for a Cross-Connection Survey and Leak Detection Survey to be undertaken as soon as possible.
Tier 3 Variance for Menemsha and Great Rock Beaches  The Board approved extension of the Tier 3 variances for the public beaches at Menemsha and Great Rock Bight, allowing water sampling to be done monthly rather than weekly during bathing beach season.

Feinberg, 10 Allen Farm Road, (25-20.11)  The Board reviewed results of a bedroom count at the property done by Marina Lent on March 7, 2011, and approved the proposed septic system construction permit presented by Reid Silva.

Bingemann, 79 Quansoo Road (17-25)   Reid Silva presented a proposed 6 bedroom septic system construction permit proposal to serve an existing 3 bedroom house with a proposed 2-bedroom addition.  No variances are required. The Board approved the septic system construction permit application.

Packer (Menemsha Market), 511 North Road, (27.1-97)  The Board discussed with Reid Silva the status of the septic system construction permit application reviewed by the Board at its public hearing on May 19, 2010.  At that time, the Board had approved the greywater leaching system, but had declined to approve the installation of tight tanks pending further review of alternative options such as composting toilets.  However, it turns out that it is not feasible to install the leaching system prior to placing the tight tanks; once the leaching system has been installed, there will no longer be an option to use tight tanks.  

Reid Silva explained that the property has proved unsuitable for a composting toilet, as the building footprint is roughly congruent with the property lines, and the groundwater is high, precluding the vertical space which would be required.  He asked that the Board approve installation of tight tanks as originally proposed.

Mike Renahan stated that the Board will not take a final decision on this property without its full membership present; he also noted that there may be stipulations regarding the right-of-way (the location of the proposed septic system) that would preclude blocking the right-of-way to vehicle traffic.  He asked Marina Lent to inquire with other town officials regarding any right of way restrictions.  Reid Silva noted that there is no list of encumbrances for the property.

The Board intends to review this proposal at its next meeting, on April 6.

Greenberg, Greenhouse Lane, (33-30)  Reid Silva discussed a proposed well on the property;  the Board did not have a permit application on hand.  The Board will entertain a proposal when a completed application is received.

Invoices:  The following invoices were approved for payment:

  • FDA plan review course, April 26-28, Cambridge, MA   $5
  • MVRD SEMASS transportation Recycling $1,428.25
  • Wampanoag Environmental Lab CCC water sample testing  $25
  • VNA, February 2011,  $924
The meeting adjourned at 18:45 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.